Saturday, June 26, 2010


River flows fast, rivulet faster
But fastness of love is very different;
Those who were involved in deep
They in thought came and went;
Who were thus with Self-blent
O God bring them back to ourshore.
Ever new freshests flow,
But the Great River is yet ahead;
Sitting snug at your homes O friends!
You but make many a one wed;
Had but you seen Him ever,
O face of the far-shore Beloved;
You’ad not me prohibited
But entered the river taking pitchers.
What had I seen, had they ever seen
Those the all my friends;
The house full of maidens had been,
Renounced by them for Him, the One.
Standing on shores, many would
Recite His name, “Lord Lord”;
Some have fear of death
Yet enter some failing the All-Good;
Ad HE’s their who so would
Plunge in River, rejoicing in Him.
Taking up pitcher, entered she stream
Looking out for deeper current;
“What if head were laid at His feet.”
For union it is but bowed and bent;
I nt the Dark Night who so went
O God! Help them to cross the stream.
Entered she steam, taking the pitcher
Giving her up, to will of God;
Her leg went to jaws of shark
Her neck in the maw of mugger;
Beads and bangles fouled by mud
Railed behind her tresses in water;
Remora ran, stuck to her body
Came on carps in great number;
Crowds of fish converged upon her,
O quantered shall be craving Sohni;
The pitcher were undone in water
And went to bottom, the head too;
“The lover of God is masculine”, but
this is teir support, thus sink who;
False is all satanic crew
In one must abide the Truth only.
Crumbles if pitcher, let it go
In fact it is the veil between;
Let but reign with in thy being
On harp of heart, His vibrato;
Without sacrifice in His woe
Renounce ye al ascetic’s creed.
Broke if pitcher, let you go
Swim my spirit by Self in stream;
Teach to eyes daily discipline
Behold in every face only His brow;
“T was the love, did let me know
what is reality is real gnosis.
Let pitcher break, the girl die
And support let the all be gone;
“T was then that heard HE one,
the calls of Sohni, crying for help.
Carry not self with Thy Self ever
All such structs but forget, forgo
With love qua love, out to Him go
Know you this O aspirant f love.
Take not self to Thine, never
Wade the stream without strut or stay.
Smash this clod, O throw it away
Carry to deep ye love, yet deeper.
Seek Him who thus in the stream
Them HE seeks too, lets not sink!
Any aid they a buren think aid they a burden think
Light fro them is massive love.
Same is the Lover and same Beloved
And same is also the love between;
All this mystery has ever been
In secret and secret ever hidden.
By mediacy of which blessed were I
Here on earth with vision of God;
Dear to me is that earthly cod,
O how could I damage or destroy it.
Where waters have dark roaring caves
And lurk in, fell hoary aimals;
There she threw down herself
And went rolling with the waves;
Yet through these watery greaves,
Passed she by His pervenient grace.
Where there’s fury in the river
Brutes have homes in the water;
Neither is any bound to the breadth
Depth nor measured by a Master;
Come there running boary beasts
And charge with deth-like chatter;
Great and mighty boats where
Go down hook line sinker;
Not of those sufaces above
Scantling or one splinter;
Such is the ruination complete
Who so goes, returns he never
There O Lord! Who’s the unswimmer
Pass her by some special grace.
Tking leap in high-flooded river
Is work of an enthralled lover;
Reproach her ten times daily
Let do the worldly reproacher;
Wit, reason and the shame of her
Were al the three, engulfed by the love.
From whence she cam’t was the shore
Retenders as for easy access;
Outward her body was with world
Inward the Love was but her lore;
Who, such longing for Him bore
To her the river was a rill mere.
Whence sh ‘ld enter the river
Though steep turned easy to her;
Reflection of His radiant beauty
Crossed her eye, in all splendour
Truth was dealt by Truth-Ever
And she treaded for the Truth only.
Be diligent to learn the way
The law of God as love of God;
Yet faster than the way flows
The gnosis when it olds sway;
To lovers but His Truth always,
Had had been the pride of life.
In the cold, mid-winter night
It rained while she entered the stream;
O Let’s ask from Sohni
How she could love so might,
Who’ad only the Loving Wight
Day and night abiding in her heart.
In summer every one enteed river
She but rejoiced in winter, too;
On the current of spirit flowing
Her body she in the stream threw;
The lovers you ever slew,
You’re void of justice O river!
Flow ye not fulminating
Answer you shall for outrages;
Days of sring O river,
Last won’t with you for ages;
Fall down from you ledges
Shall all thse floods receding back.
Flow you not so rumbler o!
Go dry you, in you jungle grow;
In your bottom but I see
Scrubs all and weedy woe;
All down ages that you, so
Drwoned the lovers in your arms.
Now chatter not O churlish grave!
Drown you did my headn-cover;
What but HE has given me
O how’ll ou wash splendour;
Ride you shall I, O river!
May you do all somersaults.
O sister! All my limbs are made atingle
By tinkle of bells of my far off lover;
Melodies which so entice me
O how could I offer to unrefined vulgar;
Now Him, that I follow ever
Sends me words of love and hope.
Alround me now ring about
Bells of beloveds of the yore;
Came their echoes out to me
While I slept in worldy lore;
Now sitting here is all a sore
Heavenly strains rend the heart.
A new life has HE breathed in me,
So what if met not face to face;
O how is HE at other place
Who is solved here in my soul.
Heard I from on other side while sleeping
Fame of the beloved folks
And of Loved one, listened strains
Which opened my wounds but wide
Now to go to them, stride
Is all too imperative upon me.
See Buffaloes, where the bells toll
Where they rise and walk away;
Go out these and graze they
Where’s not HE, the All-Offering One.
Stamping on ground, whence they went
They’re come again, there the buffalores
There is no any other pasture for those
Except but the pasture of Love.
See again, where is the pasture of Beloved
Where do the bells toll?
Where is smoke of His incense
Where but ring the knoll;
O all these ages I did roll
In shallow waters, groping in darkness.
From hands of Love the drank
The nectar of His shrine;
That sip of essence unmade her
Went in vitals the godly wine;
Now bear she ant the strong brine;
Meets not till the Briny Himself!
All are but waters, and waters
Very far away is the other side;
Yet woeful one entered the waves
Where risk doth, ever reside;
Seeing where trembles the soul
Sins are while seen this side;
Yet naught is, in power of tide
If aught do come, of grace of the Lord.
Merge who with watr, emerge
It has had been ever so;
Hence plunge in the stream
And in high floods let you go;
That meet you there the Lord to!
Standing with his aid for you.
Who keep their eyes face
Directed towards the Beloved;
Without any swimming aid though
They ‘ld enter the river flooded;
Very safe through it waded,
All waters would’nt drown them.
In dead of night my spirit
Fluttered in my hands and flew
Plunging in waters, crossing river
On to His direction dew;
When fell the morning dew,
It came back seeing Blessed Land.
Hold I though, holds not back
The flood rising in my eyes;
So let me plunge, swim into stream;
The flow won’t wait any-wise;
Those who His love prize,
For them act is imperative too.
Perceive the percept is far away
HERe’s only His flowing concept;
O’t is hard to see Him except
One went through river of All-life.
She has no fear in her heart, any
Of the dreaded Mephistopheles;
Soil won’t she her vesture by slime
Though he be there, one and many
For Blis of Theorphany
She would swim stream in the dark.
How she’d been heard, Sohni
Had she not entered the stream;
The life in this world for her
Wasn’t there in the days to be;
That draught had maddened the girl,
What of His vintage, gave HE
O His love had killed the Sohni,
His love, and the love only;
Even in end had died she
But by plunging was ransomed two fold.
Who but swims in Eternal Water
How that fish shall fear to rot?
She had only concern the rather
Where must she sip the wine more?
Yet if I die-let me
O but I be tossed ever to His shore;
That HE coming to it, hearing
Coverse with me in His love-lore;
Dead though to hearts core,
Rise I shall and go with Him.
The glories of God and graces
Unknown were ever before;
Neither were there “be” or “Become”
Nor any other creaturely lore;
‘T was thence that the soul had
its echo in Him, the angels before;
Married were she to Mehar of yore
Love, Lover, and Beloved were one.
Simmer, seethe, roast and burn
Though with and wriggle I;
Then eternal thirst in my soul,
Drink and drink, I cannot unlearn;
To sea I sore many turn,
O it won’t be a sip for my soul.
At mid-night withsunbaked vessel
While it was twenty ninth dark;
The moon by name none be there
The waters when rise and swell;
Come she would, at stream then
For His sake to Him travel;
O’t was HE, Who ‘ld impel
Or who at the hour wades thro ‘waters..
Night be dark, vessel unbaked
And come upon though bathering rain;
One one side be dread of river
Out on other Lion dreaded;
Yet call of love is not neated
O let me plunge, give in life.
River’ad drowned several lovers
She but drowned the river itself;
Dropped waters to bottom shelf,
Battering brows against the banks
Proffer if he swimming aid
Touch notit O drowning one!
Tomorrow he may tell you maid,
“It was I, who crossed you through”
On swimming aids of others any
Drown you though do not rely,
Long you if to meet the Love
Against the common currents ply
Steer there-to-steps thy,
Know you not a shelter where.
Prefparing for the dry ground
Drown you if, then let you drown;
Make you not a floating raft
Collecting any rubbish around
Heard is not there a sound,
The of Lord or cry of Sohni.
What you you think to be verses
Are celestial signs of love
They shall make your heart move
In the direction of the Beloved.
Thou dost sink or save, O Lord!
Non could say this or boast
And of m condition, my Love
You’ve but the knowledge most;
Who now comes to your coast,
Keep the face of the fleshly clod.
The crows were her corse-bearers
The stream, flow, funeral file;
They too bent shoulders to body
Who were vultures of the isle;
Yet to Him, she’d smile
In eyes though saw death-angel.
Up on shore, where she drowned
Stands HE calling out fishers;
Myself, I go down to the deep
And ye cast your nets alround;
She, that loving soul be found,
O let’s grope in dark waters.
Holding to a clump of grass
Lover stands and sighs to the river;
O how could you drown my Sohni
Who was plighted to me for ever;
O l’ld complain against you rumbler,
On the day of te judgment.
Standing on far shore HE calls,
And says out to me, ‘O come, come’
On one hand the stream flows fast
On other my wares are unwhole-some
But they reach I hear safe home
Who’re here, to Truth-plighed.
O Loser! Keep ye commandments
Of the Truth from on other side,
The dounts, fears, illusions
Give up all before that heavely guide;
Cleansing mirror of thy soul
See Him ever there in thee inside;
And to His path only stride,
That blessed you be with Beautiful Vision.

So long there’re rushes on banks
Tighten your raft by their bands;
Pass your arm to your Friend’s hand
Give not to others thy hands;
Standing on the harry strands
Did you not hear the cries of Sohni?
Ah, I did not know it to be clod
Its outer form did me deceive;
It arched, its head handsomely
Sent my spirit running for sod;
Otis thus, that I yet plod,
In the steam, at thse late hours
What figures HE painted on the pot
Seeing them, rejoiced she;
But waters spoiled all thse
And their wash, they stood not;
Thought thse over, lasting, Sohni
The youth and beauty, what she got;
Ah state of this whole lot,
Was soon known in mid stream.
All pots were finely baked
Kilns of potter did perfectly burn;
Ah but when came in my turn,
Came this unbaked jar, for my lot.
The spirit has abandoned urges
What was strength is all spent;
Now retrn to me, my Dear Love!
Thou All-knowing to my help bent;
By ignorance I’m much rent
Be ignorance I ‘m much rent
Be your Knowledge by the side of me.
Every one recites His name
Every one know HE within him;
The whole land is Mansoor became
So how many will you kill and kill?
The waves have many appearances
The seeing of water but one;
Wo is so deep, of that Deep
O let you all gnosis be gone;
Where’s no limit to the love
There thy longing O leave alone;
Be with all springs done
That get you near to Godly Font.
Were HE to meet on judgement day
O HE were nearer to us;
Heard are but very far away
Rejoicings of union with Him.
There is no limit to His pain
Nor limit to any of His longing;
A bound to love is not belonging
HE but but knows it and none else.
And love of you O Dear Lord!
Has ‘ad been in me O boundless;
Filling up me it in fullness
Overspills from eyes and flows down.
Swim I some how, and swim me through
Go I some how, get me through;
Ah stop not my tear-flue
And put not hurdle to my heart-crrent.
Ah, many days have passed away
So how I know how is like, HE?
As vines’ave sprung about me
So woes of my parted Friend.

1 comment:

  1. Many typos! Some English words are beyond me. No complaints becuse I am not a native English speaker. But even searching did not help.
    I hope HE, Him, His, Him,O Lord, mean ALLAH always.
    I doubt some words are not English. For example unswimmer seems to be a German word.
    I think blank verse does not mean totally voide of rhyme and word order.
