Saturday, June 26, 2010


Both yogis are in the world
Dispensing light, dispensing fire;
In me kindled who Desire,
O I’ld now live with out them;
Great many songs they sang
In all accents that there be;
Bless me! Bless me!
O ‘ld not now live without them.
Strains of thse yogis
Is great estate with me in world
They were before any word
All speaking iwht them did cease;
Of their state, O all thse
I’ld not now live without them.
Slept I on my wedding bed
O e their lowing conch waked up;
Who me shaked up,
O I’ld not now live without them.
Now either call me unto you
Or hale me by hidden chains;
Thy panth I ‘ve known now
Of thy harp, the spiritual strains;
What ‘re within thse the pains
O l’ld not now live without them.
Without now yogic strife
O I wish not on body my flesh;
Who is Spirit of the life
O I ‘ld not now lieve with out Him.
Their selfness they have lost all
In the ‘Selfness’, now threive;
In the Eternal who so strive
O I’ld not now live without them.
While first day I Knew Ogis
I strove to know their Life-Away;
They will not rest for a while
But love Him the whole day;
All the time they-saith Syed
Would in His pain, pine away;
Tat be alone with Him may,
They hide themselves from the folks.
Set out with nothing on shoulders
Like haves, have not having;
Craving deprived you of clothes
And clothes deprived you of craving;
Whose went his self un-saving
Went he the yogi truly yoked to Him
O goer! Thy hut grows to my eye
Some soaring thorn!
Why did you build it, O why
While go away you naked from it.
If you aspire to be yogi
Then leave selfishness what so ever;
Who are slaves of the slaves
O be of these thou, the servitor;
By sword of forbearance
Cut away all thy spite, it murder;
That O naked, thy name be ever
Scribed among lovers of God.
Who are the dlaves of stomcach
They are mere pseudo-yogis;
They cultivate their own bellies
And are only dumps of dead matter.
All faces are Face of my Beloved
The arc of a praying place;
From tablet of heavenly-writ
Holy scriptues they would efface;
The gnosis and intellect flew off where
Not remained there even a trace;
All are HE-All His Grace
O where must I offer my prayer?
Leave not hair-knots like yogis
Nor light on paths fire for Sire,
Remember Him in the heart
And raise within that flame of Fire
Who feel for within the IT Entire
Nothing is more savoury to them.
To what truth thses godly fakirs
Act in world so srangley;
That neither they’re concerned with hell
Nor care for a meed heavenly;
That not with theists or atheist,
And they have to do, evenly;
Standing but announce who only
That Love must be won by all.
They’ave seen many a woe here
Winds, colds, and hunger;
Without shield of God so-ever
They find no any shelter in the world.
Now what you ask of yesterday?
And say not-today or tomorrow;
Take His yoke upon you now
Whom in heart you but inly know
Start on the way here enow!
Go observing vigils all the time.
In heart they ever rejoice in Him
Outward they be saying what may;
They’ave drunk Him deep within
Him throughhuman cup of their clay;
Then all the doors leading to His way
Shut they have and locked up.
They do no tbeg taking bowls
Nor cringe before their kin;
They’re adorers of God
So other doors deem but sin;
Their judgement seat is witin,
So why must they go to law-givers?
Those who do raise their hands
Had they known but raising of hands;
They had alms even in wasteland
And had ever renounced begging.
Let not be worshipped by others
Yoked to the yoga be, please;
People do make their servitors
O sir! This is but great disease take;
Wayfarers never enjoy ease,
They keep on going, naked ones.
Ah today in the abodes do not sing
Who were His way farers;
Those godly men are gone away
Me their haunts are only killing;
Who ‘ld life to the sould bring,
O those lover of God have left off.
Blessed be lord we lived in his time
he dispelled from hearts, fear and doubt;
To we the blind he pointed out
East and there offered light.
Blessed be Lord, we had lived
That we saw him, the naked fakir;
The spirit-bud had shriveled
It opened, and became a garden.
As they seek the food, sought they if
The God, all thse people;
Come they had to tHis tabernacle
All their miseries also had gone.
Those who gathered in the world
But food and garment;
God away from them went
Still further and further, and further.
Still you’re asking me the path?
O be up, gone-Him to Hie;
Tomorrow every one will die
Today on His path, die you O traveler!
Whose meets you in His way
Good or bad, consummate love with him;
And who would not his consummate
Let you not talk with him aye;
Be yourself and come away
Never abandoning, path of Lord.
And seek not away from His lamps
The seeking is hard without their visions;
Many hundreds, thousands and millions
O this Blankness has blinded before.
And sitting in bower and bower
Do not see them as many and several;
Recongnise him the One Flower
This and that is the same HE;
Where there’s no sky, no empyrean,
Nor any trace of the land;
Nor any moon riseth where
Not sun with its burning brand;
There they had built their hut
The yogis-these lovers’ land;
Vary far iis their native strand
Him they see only in nothing-ness.

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